Regardez: Maladies rares et Processus d’adaptation

L'enregistrement vidéo est maintenant disponible pour le webinaire sur le processus d'adaptation émotionnelle et psychologique des personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique ou rare tenu le 27 février 2020. Regardez Annie Perreault offrir des stratégies d'adaptation pour aider les personnes vivant avec une maladie rare ou chronique.
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Read more: Regardez: Maladies rares et Processus d’adaptation
Watch: Coping Process of Living with a Rare Disease

The video recording is now available for the Emotional and Psychological Coping Process of People Living with a Chronic or Rare Disease webinar held on February 27, 2020. Watch as Annie Perreault offers coping strategies to help people living with a rare or chronic condition.
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Read more: Watch: Coping Process of Living with a Rare Disease
Patient Perspective: Living with Mastocytosis

In preparation for our upcoming Awareness Day, we asked patients to describe what it's like living with Mast Cell Disease. These are their heartfelt descriptions of living with this complicated, unpredictable disease.
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Patient Perspective: Undiagnosed

In preparation for our upcoming Awareness Day, we asked patients to describe what it's like living with Mast Cell Disease. These are their heartfelt descriptions of living with this complicated, unpredictable disease.
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Newsletter: Awareness Day 2019

Welcome to Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Disease Awareness Day 2019. There are many ways you can get involved to raise awareness about this rare and complicated disease. Awareness day is on October 20th, but don't wait to get started!
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Are You One of Us?

Was your life suddenly turned upside down by a constellation of frightening symptoms that your doctors struggle to explain? Or have you always been sick and just weathered through, with no satisfying explanations available? Do you struggle like us?
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Portable Meals and Snacks for Food Sensitive Travellers

Guest Post from Wendy Busse, Registered Dietitian. Eating away from home is a challenge when you have food sensitivities. Portable meals and snacks can be a big help. This article will give helpful hints and tips for portable meals for on-the-go travellers.
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Read more: Portable Meals and Snacks for Food Sensitive Travellers
Watch: Mast Cell Disorders - More Than Just Hives Webinar

The video recording is now available for the Mast Cell Disorders - More Than Just Hives webinar held on June 12, 2019.
Dr. Ben-Shoshan provides a detailed overview of mast cell disorders. His presentation has the perfect balance of scientific information and clinical case studies, making it relatable for anyone impacted by mast cell disease.
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Read more: Watch: Mast Cell Disorders - More Than Just Hives Webinar
Quand la maladie transforme une vie

Comment transformer votre vie, lorsque votre vie se transforme par la maladie?
Nous sommes tous confrontés à des défis tout au long de notre vie. Certains vivront des traumas et de la négligence dans l’enfance, d’autres feront face à des conditions de vie pénibles ou encore la guerre et plusieurs traverseront des événements stressants tels que la mort de proches, le divorce, la perte d’emploi ou des difficultés financières. Être confronté à un diagnostic médical est aussi un événement stressant et reconnu avec un niveau de stress presque aussi élevé que les autres exemples précédents.
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When Your Life is Transformed by Illness

How do you transform your life when your life has been transformed by illness?
We are often faced with challenges in our life. These may include childhood traumas, harsh life conditions, death of loved ones, divorce, work loss or financial difficulties. Facing a medical diagnostic or chronic illness is another life event that is every bit as stressful as those mentioned.
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